Monday, July 28, 2008

Happy Birthday Dad!

Welcome to your blog party!

We don't have a lot of time to hang around the house, but we are eating:


We've got to hurry and open presents! I got you:

The Canon EOS 1D!!!

Hurry up and get a lens on it, we've got to run! Oh wait, we have visitors.

Fernando Torres

Landon Donovan

Tony Dungy

and David Beckham have come to wish you many happy returns, but they can't stay long. We've got to go too. Pack your camera! The Broncos are hosting the Colts here, and YOU get to be on the field and shoot like a pro!!! You took these:

Plus about 500 more. The pictures will be all over the internet, and you'll get a crazy amount of publicity! And the Colts will win 357 to negative 0!

That's about it!!! Hope you had a wonderful blog party!!! I love you and I hope you have a wonderful rest of the birthday - at work:P


  1. Wow! All this party-ing has made me sleepy!

  2. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Aw. Try pepsi max.

  3. Anonymous9:55 PM

    hello dear. yeah my inets being stinky so i havn't been on much. i luv u and i got that movie. reccommend me popping it in to see how it is? i may let u borrow it jaz if u want b4 i giv it to her yeah u don't know wut i'm talkin bout hahaha

  4. Anonymous10:56 PM

    Hopefully there were better pictures amongst the 500 that I didn't get to see! ;-)

    Thanks for the camera...sweet.

    Nice party - I love you!

  5. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Yeah, you took a few better ones Dad!!!:P

    No Emy I DON'T recommend popping it in! It will reveal too much!!!!!!:0

  6. Okay. After I watch them all I will have to borrow it and watch it. :P
