Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Drallen!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy 16th to Drallen a day later than it actually happened!!! That is to say, this blog party is a day late. But better late than nary. Or counting your chickens before they're in the pudding. Let's see... to get started...

You get a box in the mail with 6 tickets to Colorado! As yall pack, you aren't as happy as a few others that hang around your house, as you know you are going to get beat by me at quite a few different games. But it IS a plane trip, so yall get here in time for lunch, and then we break out the cake!!!

And yes, he is a cake!

Time for presents! Your mom and dad give you...

a lightsaber! Bring out your inner Sith.

Jax and Jakers steal...

The Declaration of Independence and frame it so you can put it in your room, and JT got you...

A ducky. With little flowers on it.
We Taggs gave you...

A million dollar bill!!!!!!! And THAT makes you quit singing the Bare Necessities like nobody's business!!

Oh wait, look who's here!

Jack and...
um, Jack.

Our seafaring buddies say happy birthday, and spend some time talking to... each other. (and it was an interesting conversation, I'd seriously love to see that:P) Wifi and Empress also show up and we talk a lot of Trade Wars.

Alright, enough fooling around. We set up the laptops for Rise of the Witch King (and it does NOT take two hours and eighteen minutes) and see if the Wings can overthrow the Taggs as the champions of Battle for Middle Earth 2. And guess what? They do. Blasted Dwarves.

Then we do some Red Alert 2 and I try to regain some honor. And guess what? I don't. Blasted Russians. (and you have no idea how much it stings to say that:0)

Let's see... *checks watch* it's about 5 in the morning, and yall must to getting back to the Middle of Nowhere. Everybody says the goodbyes, except me - I'm still bedridden and hyperventilating from the overdose of defeat. You walk out the door and look around for your shoes.

I think they look nice up there, don't you?:P

Hope you had an excellent blog party and have a great rest of the year!!!!:D

You know writing this out made me seriously want to send yall 6 airline tickets... except I can't cuz I'm still in my bed hyperventilating. Drat those Dwarves and Russians!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Thanks alot Meg! Love the blog party. Nice commercials! Nice to know by BFME lossless streak is still in place.

    Your Friend the Russian Dwarf,
