Friday, October 13, 2006


Well now I OFFICIALLY have NO BRACES!!!!!!!!! My retainer came in and I think I'm already getting used to having it in! At first I couldn't stand it. You can't really see it in my mouth (Which is sometimes inconvienent because all my sibs wanna "see it"). Earlier Jman tried to reach in my mouth and take it out!

On JDs birthday he got a card from our neighbors with $5 in it. Big FUN! He didn't wanna put it in his bank right away and carried it around in his pocket. A little later Jman and JD come in each holding half of a 5 dollar bill. "Look Mom! We SHARED it!" LOL! Hahahahaha! So cute! We mean to tape it but I think it's still on the kitchen island. I don't wanna tape it it's too cute! We should maybe put it in JD's scrapbook.

I did end up winning the LORD OF THE RINGS TRIVIA game. JA challenged me to a rematch
and I said OK. I think he was pretty upset...

God Bless!

Monday, October 09, 2006

JD IS 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What a big boy huh? We opened presents this morning so he could play with them all day. He got some guns that shoot those foam missle thingys, Lu got him one o dem basketball goals that hangs on your door, Mom n Dad got him a SPIDERMAN bike helmet, Joshua got him a soccer game (which I will get into in a minute), and I got him a SCOOBY DOO MEETS BATMAN movie. He's been watching it all morning. We had Donuts for breakfast. Amazinain'tit? (That's also Ronaldo's BATTLEFRONT 2 name. He was going for WEDGE ANTELLIES but....) OK about that soccer game. Jman got it at TYS R US yesterday with his own $6-and then some!:P It was the first thing he ever bought with his own money. It's a game where there is a big guy. You push his head to make his foot move to kick the ball. You spin the spinner to find out where you kick it from. The other player tries to use the goalie to block you from kicking a goal. and then you take turns that way. Anyway..........RONALDO LOVES IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is so funny. I played it with him this morning and we tied. He's playing it right now. I told him I shoulda gotten it for him for his birthday and he said, "YEAH!"
I french-braided my hair today. About to edit some pics I took yesterday at the OZARK CUP. Express has held that cup for two years now and we just got bumped down by a lesser team. Dissapointing. Some tears on the team. We'll do better. See ya Peoples!

To Win or Not to Win?

That is the question. JA WingMan and I have been planning to stomp each other at LORD OF THE RINGS DVD TRIVIA for like months. Today is the Day. Today is the Day that holds my destiny in the palm of its hand. Today is the Day in which two talented freaks face each other. Today is the Day I really hope the DVD player works. Today is the Day that decides if the WingMan is better than I. Today is the Day...All right all right all right. Maybe not all that stuff. Well I'll tell you if I win! Meggy T

Friday, October 06, 2006

praise the LOOOOOORD! praise the LOOOOOORD!

MY BRACES ARE OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WHOOPEE!!!!!!!! Well, all except for the top 4. They come off next week!!! I picked a pink retainer! Gums are a little swollen. FunFunFun! I'm going to have all the stuff I couldn't eat before in a party. Tell me if you have any good ideas. See you people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

"It's Embarrasing to come to Your Senses and find You Haven't Got Any."
What's your favorite quote? They were talking about it on Air 1 yesterday. ( Comment me!
We've had revival at our church since Sunday. Ya'll should come this guy is really good!!!!!!! Bill Stafford's the name. First Baptist Church, 6:30 tommorow night. This might attract you Baptists more than anything I've said so far........THERE'S FOOD BEFOREHAND!!!!!!!! Hahaha! I love joking about that! While I'm at it here's part of a song Mike Williams (christian comiedian,3rd funniest man in USA) sings. I can't remember all of it but here's some....
(Chorus) If we can't laugh at ourselves we shouldn't laugh at others. Gotta learn that humor starts at home. take the beam from your eye, build a bridge to your brother's. When we laugh our pride is sure to go.
You might be a Southern Baptist if you've ever joined Sunday School so you could play softball!
You might be a Southern Baptist if the preacher's name is written on the board in dry-erase marker!
You might be a Southern Baptist if you've ever choked on a communion wafer 'cause there just wasn't enough juice to get your throat to swallow!
If you've got a statue of Lottie Moon on your desk!
If you wanted to call your Sunday school class "Dorcas"!
You might be a Southern Baptist if in the bulletin the word "brotherhood" is always followed by the word "breakfast"!
G2G! I'll thinka more.
Meggy T