Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Wonder and Glory of Airsoft

Hey my beloved folks!
Remember when Meggy used to fence in CO? Remember how much she loooooooved it and had such an awesome time doing it every week? Yes. And then it was gone, left in the blustery lands of Denver when Arkanesian southerness beckoned. Heartbreak, sadness, etc.

BUT guess what sprung up instead?
Yes indeed! What is airsoft, you may ask? Simply put, it is camoflauging yourself as much as possible, loading up tons of gear in the car, driving outside city limits (being late most of the time), meeting up with some friends, and shooting each other with plastic BB shooting guns. Oh yes--does life get any better? Airsofting is all the rage in AR. It is beginning to fill the void that fencing left! :D
This is the gun I got for my birthday...

Yes indeed. Beautimous. Actually it hasn't come in yet, but I'm borrowing the same model from the guy at BattleZone Tactical, the airsoft place in Fort Chaffee. Wooooot!

And guess what's even more awesome? Dad is starting up an airsoft ministry so YOU can come play too :D Check it out at!


  1. Anonymous9:29 PM

    I remember fencing with Meggy in her front yard in CO. Sure do miss ya!

    Aunt Mich

  2. Hey you!

    Soooo...I misplaced you e-mail. Again.

    But I do have a letter for you!!'s just, not in the mail yet. lol but it's ready!

    Stoked about the game tomorrow? i'm trying to be...really I am!! But with new nephew, loosing a nephew/niece, loosing my awesome Great-grandpa today....and blueberries don't hit over very well at my place. Which makes finding blue food very hard.


  3. Toria8:26 PM

    Go bawl like the family pig.

    So in the end, I'm glad I didn't paint my face blue. 'Cause I would've gotten it smudged and smeared everywhere and on a bazillion kleenexes.

    Yep, that about sums up my week- still waaaay too many points behind.....yeah that's about right.

    Letter should be in the mail tomorrow.

    {{{HUGS}}} (hey, somebody's gotta hug Meg in her deep sorrow!)

  4. Meggy T9:19 AM

    Yeah I pretty much bawled too :( Maybe we should write poems of grief. That's a good idear.
