Thursday, April 10, 2008

God's plans are perfect - but sometimes they really get me confuzlled.

Yesterday in the GINORMOUS storms of AR, two trees fell on Lady's family's house and wrecked it all up. Please pray very hard for them. Here's the link to the news video. Skip ahead to the the 16th minute past all the smashed windows on the cars. Tell your friends to pray for them too. Mom told me some of their stuff got covered in plastic and saved, but they don't have a house. It stinks to be TV stars for a bad reason. And moving really hurts, no matter where you're moving. We love you Lady Boo!!!!!!!! Hope to talk to you soon!!!!!!!!!! Pray everybody - this smells worse than a skunk smoking a cigarette.


  1. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Yeah, just gotta remember God is in control and is much bigger than any storm.
    Love you Lady!

  2. Hey Meg...I just heard about their house this morning. It's terrible, but I know that their family will be a wonderful witness during this time.

    We have been super busy over here! Fuzzy doesn't stop running except to watch Jungle Book, and Newbee has really been expressing opinions of his/her own through some active bouts of kicking and flailing :D

    I like reading your blog..are you hoping to be a writer?

  3. Anonymous7:19 PM

    oh wow that's just amazing that no one got hurt! i'll be praying and passing this on to my friends and family

  4. Anonymous9:52 PM

    I was there today helping clean up - Lady and family were all wonderful witnesses of joy and peace in Christ - thank God for them!

    Not one of them were scratched; it was amazing. The tree went right through the roof...

  5. Anonymous5:45 AM

    Lana I heard you were over there and tried to call you last night b/c I wanted to talk to someone who had talked to Lady to see how she was doing, but apparently the number I found for you was old.

  6. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Man, I sooooooooo wish I was there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
