Friday, May 05, 2006

A Bleed!

Hello All!
Christian had to sleep upstairs last night because Mallory screams all the time. He talked Dad into letting Laney and Laura sleep up there too, so I had the room all to myself! WEIRD!!! I was just reading an Elsie Dinsmore book when I hear, "WAaAaAaA!" Hark! the sound of a 3-year-old in distress!lol! About 2 seconds later the door opens. "Meggy I got a BLEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"(An ouch that has the tiniest spot of red) Nathan follows close at Jesse's heels to catch the fun. He limped over very patheticly and stuck his foot up on my bed. Sure enough, he had a pretty good amount of blood on that foot, but not enough to leak on the floor. Whew! He had picked a scab. I put him at the sink and washed it off, him squalling and saying "OW!" all the time. I put a band-aid on it and RIGHT AWAY the belly-aching stopped, he jumped down, and ran into his room like nothing ever happened. Those Band-Aids have great powers. Amazin' ain't it?

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