Saturday, February 26, 2011

I Dreamed a Dream...:/

I had a dream that she came back.
That it was a total surprise, after I prayed for weeks to find her.
I dreamed that we found out where she lived
and I dreamed that she had missed me too.
(Which is prolly not the case in real life and that she prolly can't tell the difference but not the point and makes no difference anyway.)
And then I was sad when I woke up and she was gone again.
Then for some reason some cute little things she said were repeated and chuckled over by my man.
And I stumbled upon a picture of her accidentally.
So I'm still praying
And trusting God to know what's best for her.
And me.
Cuz I want her back a lot.
And I don't want Sha-sha and Len and N to disappear like this too.
I miss her a lot.


  1. That's why I HATE dreams! I've been praying for her too.


  2. Not quite sure what's going on, but when you put "sad" as your label I know something's hurting your heart. Praying for you, Meggers- you know where I am if you need a listening ear.


  3. I hope they come back, and I really, really hope that N and his don't leave!

  4. Meg-

    Drop me a line, please? I lost your e-mail address *again* and I want to talk with you...I can't find your e-mail address anywhere on here, either. =/


  5. YOU NEED TO UPDATE!!! :D...just saying ;)
