Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Adventures in HAIR!

Well my friends, the time had come. The lovely bestie Pickens Woman came to my dwelling prepared to unload on my head. Threw on this year's VBS shirt for the messy part...it had run it's course of usefulness and heck, we were about to do some "amazing wonders" :P



 Can you believe it was her first time bleaching highlights?! WAY AWESOME.

 A bit of discussion, a trip to Sally's and an interesting woman later, we had purple stuff! 
And thus was born LADY PURPLEFINGERS.

dun dun DUN!!!!

We really don't know either on this one. But if you don't do it like this, I'm sure you didn't do it right...

All finished!

These bright ones are on bottom.
LOVE having color!!!! It definitely looks the best out in the sun where you can see all the different dimensions of purpleness.
Thanks to my big sissers!
Now I'm gonna post this so I can go chat with her... :P

1 comment:

  1. I wish we could have gotten it all as beautiful as that under streak. Oh well. It is super cool just the same.
