Friday, November 17, 2006

Book Study Babysitting & Such

I guess I should post. Went to a book study at the Wingmen's house only the mom's did the book studying and big kids were babysitting the other kids. I was in charge w/ JA(I like being in charge:P) and we were divided into teams. LmT got one and JtW got one. My team was CIS, JA's team was EMPIRE, LmT's was LAZERS, and JtW's was CSI *funny stuff* We were gonna go to Emy-Nemys's house today but couldn't. Shoot! We house-cleaned instead.Had a piano recital after that. It was kinda fun till afterward. Before I played I was kinda nervous and After I was mad. I didn't mess up so anyone could really hear it,but it was NOT what I expect of myself.
How's the Holidays for ya'll? Fine here! Grandma & Grandpa T are coming Monday for Thanksgiving. Doing pretty good on the Christmas shopping. I need a present for Ronaldo, Lulu, Dad and Malgorie and I know what I'm gonna get Mom, Lane, Britter, Bekah, Cole, and Emy-Nemys. I have everyone else's. Can't wait till CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm almost ready for Thanksgiving to be done and out of the ways so we can clear the road for Christmas!!! (Almost) Thanksgiving will be fun I hope cousins can come. Who's doing BLACK FRIDAY? Dad acually thought about it but it turned out he wasn't gonna. He's gonna scavenge the left-overs though! I can't decide what I'm MOST thankful 4 this year. Any Idea's?
God Bless! Comment Me!
Meggy T

1 comment:

  1. Hey Meggy!
    Once again, yes, so sad you couldn't come over. I hope you'll be able to very soon!
    What's BLACK FRIDAY????
    MOST thankful for?? Hmm...
    My poor goat Kissy chipped a little piece of her horn today!!! I'm sooo sad! It's not very big, but it can't grow back, only smooth out. :(
    Well, ttyl!
