Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Another Meltal-mouth!!!

Lane got BRACES TODAY!!!!!!!! Just the top. Red and pink for Valentine's Day just like I did! They were kinda sore tonight at dinner so we made her fruit into a smoothie. Yummy! That made everybody else want one too so the blender was humming and boys were slurping and everybody was talking while YOU were eating a nice, quiet, normal dinner with your family lol!:P Making a wooden sword right now. Big and pretty cool. Painted half the blade silver today. How's school going? Not bad here! It's settled: I am going probably on Friday to get my hair cut like Britter's at JC Penny. Kinda scary losing all that hair so quick! Mom's gonna highlight it in red after that. She did Laura's and Mrs. Jodie's the other day and it turned out pretty good! Almost done reading ROSE IN BLOOM. Like it lots! Anyone read it? Read 8 COUSINS then you should! Reading UNDER THE LILACS out loud. So funny and cute! Anyone read MR. POPPER'S PENGUINS? Sounds 2nd grade I know but Mom says it's actually pretty funny! Think we'll read that one next.
Something cool to do with sibs is have like a crack in the dresser or something that paper fits in and call it your mailbox. All of us girls have one now. Haven't gotten mail yet we just set it up yesterday. Weather has been kinder of late. Farethewell! Rambley Me.


  1. Thanks for making all those smoothies. You're a good big sister. And just think, it's even yummier than water and you did it for Jesus.

  2. Hey MEG!!!
    Tell Lane I said... *congratulations*... if you say that for braces!!! :D haha!
    Did Britter recently get her hair cut?? If so, I haven't seen it yet... since they moved the fellowship I guess I'll see your hair at it the next week!!! :D I think Hannah's read Eight Cousins and Rose in Bloom, but I haven't. I read Mr. Popper's Penguins once, it was funny.

  3. Meaggy,
    I have read Eight Cousins, Rose in Bloom, and Mr. Popper's penguins and loved them all! They are all really well written and interesting stories.

  4. soooo!!!.....did you get it cut????

  5. NOooooooo you see girls hair was meant to be long unless you are donating it. You should not have gotten it cut. That is not to say that I don't think that it will be cute. Now for color you hair is too dark for the color that was put on yo sis's hair you should go get an auborn color, but if this gets you too late then it doesn't matter. I guess I should get my cut off before friday now shouldn't I. Eek I's scared! Lady
