Wednesday, January 31, 2007

My Hair Is Off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WINTER.....The picture worked!

Yup. We braved the snow and ice and now it's short!!!! I like It!!!Not highlighted yet. No Britter, you can not see a picture you have to see it in person!!!! Brooka remembered doing your hair. Emy hasn't seen yours OR mine yet!!!!!! Short stuff Girl!!! We meet Friday people - if the weather's not bad. It's snowing big!!! The roads got most of it though. The police were out directing traffic and people were in ditches and all sorts of bad stuff! Hope it goes into the yards so people can come to high school fellowship!!! Ya'll getting snow? Been playing with what I have left of my hair. I can actually DO something with it now! Funfunfun!

Jesus loves you!

Meggy T


  1. Hey Meggy!
    We're gettin snow too! yippee!!!
    I CANNOT WAIT to see yours and Britter's hair!! I, too, hope everyone can make it Friday! Funfunfun! :D
    Luv EMY

  2. YEah!!! Can't wait to see it's cute!

  3. Ya-bu-sayo!!!!! Your highlighting your hair red right??? Talk to ya later...


  4. I LOVE you haircut, it is SO cute!!!~Lana
