Thursday, December 06, 2007

Egg Nog Night!

We do it every Christmastime: Get a whole lotta egg nog and vanilla chex mix and watch a movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Last night we watched MEET THE ROBINSONS. Talk about good! Funnyfunnycutecute! Still getting over a heavy sugar rush from last night... Heehee! Drove Lane and Lucy off the bed! We were doing a dramatized SENSE & SENSIBILITY with the screenplay we have. I starred as Marianne, Mrs. Jennings and miscellaneous!!! It gets giggly when we come to the dramatic love lines! :P
Been babysitting a whole lot. Need to do some heavy Christmas shopping! Made a sword the other day. It's got elvish runes on it! Woooooooo! But the hilt aint done yet. Plan is to play with Drallen today! Wait, no. The plan is to beat Drallen today.
Here's some clips from MEET THE ROBINSONS!


  1. So my suggestion went over well did it? Wondeful dearie wonderful!
    I wish to speak with you. Maybe monday? Won't be home tonight tomarrow or Sunday or Monday morning. I will be around this afternoon. I had something I wanted to tell you and now I have no clue what it was. Oh well we never run out of things to talk about do we dearie? No we don't.

    J. Alan and I are gonna watch a mobie and play games. Funfun ;9


  2. Now, meggy, I can *almost* empathize about how you felt when favre got injured. I'm still not a die-hard fan of 'my' college team (the razorbacks) but when I heard 15 minutes ago that Darren McFadden didn't win the heisman trophy, I nearly cried... It makes me sad.

  3. oh I am finally commenting you... :P I have muches to tell you and need to call you soon... but I'm not sure when.

  4. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Thank you for the comment! Glitter is so much fun... I think I'm going to take up wearing it all the time after the play is over. ;)
    I am proud of you! Crocheting is awesome! Sometime though you are going to have to start using the needles! It's not that hard at all! You would probably love it!
    Hope you are all doing well up north! :)

  5. Meaggy T do want a design job? Do you wanna redo my entire blog. I need a makeover. It is blah. All that must stay the same is well the info on it. You can even change what it is called. I am being daring. Ok you can just think ME.


  6. Anonymous7:40 PM

    MEGGY!!! I meant the PATRIOTS as in DANIEL'S TEAM!!!!!!!!!!!! The BASKETBALL TEAM. Not the FOOTBALL team....*rolls eyes*
    And, fyi, I like the colts the best...The Patriots (football) is not so great/good.

  7. You obviously read this so why not post once or twice?

    :smooch: and I miss you. Really I do. Call me tomorrow if you get the chance. Should be home after noon and till late afternoon early evening.

    Book day was today.
