Thursday, September 11, 2008

Sometimes... things happen.

I hath done it today.
It is finished.
What is finished you ask?
Or maybe you didn't.
Well, I'll tell you anyway.
Anybody know the word.... SAXON?
As in, MATH?
After 10 years - that's one-zero YEARS (which are 365 days each and maybe two or three leap years)
I have DONE IT!
I have finished the LAST Saxon Math lesson I will ever do!
The last lesson of the last book.
I have done it.
I tied up ten years worth of math by drawing a graph on problem 25.
Just that simple!
Ten years!!!
Ten years all done.
Comment and congratulate me, all you jealous people!!!
On yet another school note, I have found that I have enough credits to graduate in the class of 09 and go to college next year. Whoa. But we decided to wait and concentrate on ACT prep, and CLEP prep, and driving. CoOoOoOoOol.
Well, that's my school life. Now to all my other lives.
My writing life is going quite well. Preparing for NaNoWriMo, which you should all do. I am writing many things. Be sure to participate on the ongoing comment story hosted by our dear Pip. Post a comment with your next part of the story! Be creative, yet stay with the storyline somewhat remotely.
God is showing me little new things every day in my spiritual life. I've been thinking a lot on the subject of worship, as has been everybody else on our church worship team. I wrote a post on it here. I'd like to know what YOU think worship is!
My football life is depressing.
My fantasy football team hasn't won yet because I have good players that are performing badly. But Tom Brady's out and the Giants are on a roll.
Hate the Cowboys.
Love their QB.
Complications out my ears.
My movie-making life is rocking. Hear now a top secret, never-to-be-revealed, 100% classified set of lines from one of our not as lame movies, THE SECRET LIFE OF DARTH VADER!!!!!
"Where ya goin' with those chips Darth?"
"Jedi Santita. It would be better for you if you let me and my chips pass. I must get back in time to force-choke Rex Grossman."
"I can't let you do that Darth. Rex Grossman is on my fantasy team!"
And a heated fight ensues. And the crowd goes wild.
How many other lives do I have? I know not. But if they cause trouble, I'll be sure to let you know.
Comment me, people of the world!!!


  1. I am so very happy for you to be done with math!
    Hurry and go take a CLEP test so you won't have to Math in college either! (well, at least if you do a liberal arts major here at UAFS, you only need college algebra, which is fairly basic. You may need math depending on the school and your major...)

  2. Anonymous9:21 PM

    I am so jealous. To be done with math and smart like other people.
    ;( Ya so not happy right now but I am tired so I am off to bed. Night dear and e-mail me.

  3. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Lady, e-mail Lady.

  4. I am not jealous. I'm not doing math anymore either :P

  5. Anonymous9:40 AM

    You ain't niether? WHy not did you finish too and not post about it???? AAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!:P

  6. I "finished" long ago :P not LONG ago

  7. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Congrats on the math. =P I'm WAY jealous. -_^

    wh-ooooaaaaaaahhhhhh, dude did you just say LOVE THEIR QB?! As in the whacky-move-makin' TONY ROMO?! *ducks for cover with terror in my eyes* The guy who wants ta kick Peyt and Brett outta the top?! Whoa man...that'

    Yennyhow, I'm actually flying at 73 miles an hour in a box of metal, the power of the internet at my fingertips....

    Okay okay, so i'm in the car with a laptop. not quite so spectacular.

    Sending much love!!


  8. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Well, yes Toria, I... we'll talk about this later...

  9. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Done??? Done??? you have a funny view of done. You're note even close to done. If you are going to college, you'll have a year or 2 of math there. Then, Lord willing, when you have kids you start with the 1st book all over again.

    You are NOT done my young padawan.

  10. Anonymous9:18 PM

    High School-I mean high school!

  11. haha, I have a theory on this done with math thing, see, her husband, Orc ;P can teach the kids math.
    I wonder if my husband will agree to this?

    Ah, no, I'll probably end up doing most of the math instruction when we have kids, but teaching it is a lot better than DOING it (but I'll never tell the KIDS that!)

  12. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Hey that's right!!!! Orc is good at math!!!! Or he'd better be!!!!:D

  13. Anonymous8:05 PM

    Im looking foward to that day of just begining math all over again... with my kids

  14. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Man it is hard to typ my name!

  15. Anonymous12:52 PM

    I remember finishing saxon algebra 2!! O my what a day for celebrating. You're dad has a point...but you get to take a break for a good long while!!! YEAH! And I totally agree with what Lana said. I plan on teaching elementary math, and then on to tutoring tapes and the like!! ;o) I REALLY don't want to face Algebra ever again. Congrats Maeg.

  16. I should talk to you soon. Butttt I'm busy with bball camp and everything else. But soon ,dear, soon.

  17. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Happy for you Meggy!
