Monday, October 08, 2007

In Colorado 4 Good!

VERSE OF THE DAY: We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. Romans 5:3
Well, until we go somewhere else. It feels strange that we're not going back. But we made the big drive yesterday and ended up at the cuzins house! They're all gone at school, but already it's been strange babysitting a 6' 1" football player! (kidding, most of the way:P) Potato taught me a cool trick that I think Comediantennis is really gonna like! Slept in Potato's room with the rest of the girls. This stay marks the inconveniencing of every direct family member! I think. So it'll be nice to get out of people's hair that we've been in for probably a month. It's weird not having a house! We may have it tomorrow though. The dogs in our families have been introduced and Cap'n Jack and Lil Trix are hidden in their cage. Joeyboy's been pretty nice to them!
In the car we listened to some Narnia tapes. And yes, Emy, you did say you wouldn't like em probably but you'd read them!
Found some free-to-the-public books online! The only ones that were not history or something was ELSIE DINSMORE which I have already read. But it's a good book and much better than nothing!!! *That library is all MINE!*:D
The boys are playing pool right now. Funfunfun!
BTW, yall will be very excited to know that Brett Favre is in the game and makin records!!! So much for that jabbery-gloop about him retiring last year. Football season is back and the Colts are going 16 -0!!!!!!!! Peyton's da man!!! He has the hearts of the people!!!
I miss you all Arkansas friends!!!!!


  1. It's nice that you have family and friends to help ya'll.
    I'm excited about your house, keep us updated!!
    and I'm glad Emy finally is reading the Narnia books :^P

  2. Anonymous1:11 PM

    aaaahhh!!! you about make me cry every time I read a post, comment, or anything from you! :( Well it's not really your fault I cry, just the emotional side of me I guess. :P
    I guess I'm glad you're in CO. Are you? If so then I am. But only b/c you are.
    Keep us updated, and you'll have to call me sometime...
    okay, and about Narnia, sure, whatever... maybe I did say that.
    Luv you miss you too much!!

  3. Thanks girly! I like the color. Now lets do something about that heading and sign language thing. It is isn't me so it has to go. Not the person you put on. Like him. Goes with the theme. But this is not for helping people not sign slow. GS is tonight. Blughsjkek! But then it is play practice. ;D yeah! What should my theme be? Help me out here. I know how to do that part don't worry. I just don't know what to do?!

    Love and thanks for talkin',


  4. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Okay, now I'M crying...*sob*
    Well, nothing much new here...the usual...need to email you. Miss you!!!!

  5. Anonymous6:56 PM

    it was GREAT talking to you today!!! :D luvya girly,

  6. Anonymous1:49 PM

    aw, okay, Meggy, so you don't have to pick just one fav Narnia book. :P
    I know.... I sooooo miss emailing you!!! :'( Can't wait till you get settled and get better inet.... :(

  7. is there an address we can write you at yet?

  8. Oh Dear,..seriously..what 'certain events' are you refering to? My life is crazy right now. If you're talking about two certain people though..I'm hapy for them...tis quite exciting

  9. Anonymous9:32 PM

    Yep! I am one of the most blest guys in the whole world! :o)


  10. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Oh Meggy now you have me totally wanting to watch that movie!!!! :D Of course, you knew that, that's why you put it on there. :P One thing, I will probably most definitely cry when Aslan is killed, esp. if I let myself really get into the movie... but it looks totally awesome...

  11. Anonymous2:19 PM

    uhh.... not really... not IMO...

  12. Anonymous4:11 PM

    uh, yeah... I'd seen that Woe-Be-Gone one before.... unfortunately. :P I've seen several of their crazy movies... all to the deteriation of my poor mind. LOL

  13. Meaggy! To shame dear one for not updating! Do so. LOL I wanna read a story. Write one. ;D Your sis is not almost three but two. You see mine was born but just after yours. So Mayfee three? lub


  14. Anonymous7:53 PM

    will you put the Narnia vid back on, at least long enough for me to grab the code for my blog?

  15. Anonymous4:52 PM

    thank ya muches! luvya girly... u need 2 post... oh and wuteva 'bout the policy... oh and i gotta tell ya something sometime... it aint urgent so wheneva....

  16. Anonymous6:28 PM

    just watched your LOTR vid at the bottom... it was kina sad, but kina cool... I thought you said Sam was dumb, tho? And WHAT was the big... thing????

  17. Anonymous8:47 PM

    don't 'member you tellin' me anything about any "Ent" thing... but, whatever... he looked sweet... had big, sweet, innocent eyes... :P
    Miss you a LOTLOTLOT too!!!!


    Looks like soemthing you would love. Check it out chica. It is all about the movie stuff that you love.

  19. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Meggy and Emy,
    Sam is NOT dumb!!!! Good grief, how can you suggest such a thing??? HE'S AWESOME!! Like totally rockin my face off flipping sweet!!!

  20. Anonymous7:42 PM

    whatever... Meggy PLEASE post or call me or something!!!! I'm feeling sad cuz it's been a month and a few days since ya left us! :'( waaaah!!! And I need to talk to you... hehee... I've gotta question for YOU now... :P

  21. Well,
    Between Chemistry, English, and all my other school Monday-Wed, I'm working on Thurs-Sat and babysitting in between all that. Sunday School gets fitted in there somewhere and anything extra I have to get done happens early in the morning or late at night. That's much my life. How's it where you are? I miss you

  22. Anonymous8:47 PM

    MissYouMissYouMISSYOU!!!!!!! Email me! Write me! Call me! Something before I go crazy missing you!!!!!!!

  23. Anonymous11:44 AM

    MEGGYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!! gotta do this. Just do it for Emy. Okay??? Plllllleeeeeeaassseee???
    Call her, comment her, write her, post or SOMETHING. She's gonna drive me up the wall....

  24. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Nan's right!!! I'm gonna die if I don't hear from you SOON!!!!! Just tried to call you and no one picked up but I dunno if that phone works anymore or anything... :'(

  25. Anonymous2:40 PM

    still missyoumissyoumissyou....
    luvyougirly.... hope to hear from you soon...
