Friday, July 04, 2008

Happy 4th!!!!!!!

Happy Independence Day everyone!!! Go roast some hot dogs, watch some fireworks, and thank God for our country!!! LET FREEDOM RING!


  1. Yeah I need to get a better pic and figure out how to wear it and call you. I have something somewhat important-like to tell you.

  2. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Thank you! I like it too. :)
    I've been told that it actually looks better straight than really curly, but I like it curly. :)
    How have you been?

  3. I need to call and talk to you. Might have to do that quite soon.
    Lova you.

  4. Anonymous4:42 PM

    I tried calling you and they said you weren't home. :(

  5. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Just now? I weren't. I was exploring my new mall. IT WAS AMAZING girl!!!!!!!!!!!! Approximatley 3 zillion times bigger than AR one!

  6. Anonymous7:44 PM

    COOL!!! I'm gonna go see you sometime and we have to go and we'll spend more than fifty cents this time, ok?

  7. Anonymous9:05 AM

    You bet!!! Bring about 50,000,000 dollars!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. ummm.... sure. No problem.

  9. Anonymous3:52 PM

    About your post: Amen; I love the multicolored-ness! :)

    And, though my chatbox bungled your comment, I still felt the beautiful blue sentiment.

    Ooo! The mall! Did you visit the Mills or SW Plaza? (Or something completely different that I didn't even think of?) Remember, Plaza is pronounced Plau-za, with a sort of English upity-up sound, not Plahh-za. ;)

  10. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Hey Meg, we have kids day camp at church this week so I'll be gone from 10 - 5 every day but Friday and later on Wed. so I'll have to try to talk to you after then or soemthing... cause we haven't talked in forever and Lane always says you're not home. :P

  11. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Yeah I never am!!!! It's annoying!
    Yes Luthien, I was hoping you'd feel the blue:P We went to the Mills for the first time and it ROCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Anonymous9:27 AM

    I wanna go to a thrift store. I'm to cheap for malls. Except Rue 21. I like that one.

  13. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Well I barley ever actually BUY anything at the mall:P

  14. Anonymous9:32 AM

    That's me! Can't remember the last time I paid full price for anything!

  15. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Check the times on meggy's them mine! Wow for the time zones!

  16. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Barely go to the mall and barely buy anything, but I like going b/c there are so many interesting things to see and touch and smell, and so many fashionable clothes to make fun of.
    And at charlotte russe, they have these high heeled shoes that are so cute, but I could never wear them, I nearly fell just trying on a pair. Oh well, I'm tall enough I don't feel the need to add 5 or six inches.
    But, still, it was fun to tell Luke how much I needed those purple shoes! :P
