Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The Bird

Here's the rest of those sibling posts! There's naught to tell about Zekeo now but I will once he gets a lil bigger!

Bird - She is a crazy thing! If she were an animal she would be a bird, the way she stumbles and flutters along the ground like some baby bird that can't get off the ground. She also has this chirp that kinda sounds like "mmm?" that means, "can I do this?", "can you do this for me?", or "Gimmie what I want!":P She opens her mouth to beg for other people's food, but her own that is the same thing doesn't taste that good I guess. She says, "Mama", "Daddy", "Cacka?" (cracker) , "Kookah" (cookie), and before she can say any of our names she says "Jo". *Sigh* She soooooooo pretty and has all this sweet dark hair. I fix it every morning when I take her to get dressed and clean up in the morning. Here's some pictures!


  1. aww.... soooo cute!!!
    u never comment me!! wut's up with that??

  2. Hey Ariana Evenstar Taylor!!!
    Sarah and me (Kaylie) here!! (at my house!!)... so wut's up?? ok, i'll let Sarah Abigail Caeton write something now!
    ~Kaylie Rachelle Merrin

    wlkeshfosdhfsm....never mind that....it was for Kaylie's sake.
    Cute pics girl!
    Uh, well there isn't a HF (sorta not..so, I guess I'll see you at the next Bible Study...whenever that is.
    Had fun shopping (hope you did too!). The beds were awesome!!!! (Kaylie is asking for the explanation, but there isn't much of one) :P
    She desparately wants you to comment her, she says you haven't in like 6 thingy-ma-hays. She says she's lonelified (she misspelled it)...
    See you soon!
    Sarah Abigail Caeton

    PS Whatever

  3. Ari,
    Kaylie said that was too long of a comment (okay, now she's saying she said long ((whatever))).
    So, here's another (shorter) one. :P
