Monday, April 09, 2007

My Little Brothers

Here's some more sib stuff! I'll probably get to doing other friends too.

J-MAN - Overall a sweet guy and eager to please people. He's got my favorite kind of smile , the kind where the eyes are pushed up into little crescents ya know? I think it's pretty and it makes me smile whenever somebody who has that smile smiles. I wish I did. It's powerful!:P Anyway, He has a passion to get soccer balls in the back of that net no matter what it takes him. He cries when somebody scores on him and it was his fault. Sticks is his model and if Sticks likes it, J-dude likes it. He works out with Sticks and plays soccer with him and all sorts of things. He loves macaroni & cheese! If he were an animal he'd be a dolphin. Very intelligent, mild-mannered, easily trained fellow. He accepted Christ this year and hasn't forgotten it if ya know what I mean!

Jess - He is the wild hair of Tagg End! The one ya just can't get into place! He's a little extremely sociable scatterbrain and can't take out a trash without making rounds of the house or trips to the bathroom 2 or 3 times! Lou's the same way. He has the biggest eyes of about anyone in Arkansas!!!!! He has funny little fat lips. He looks like a puppy - he has that facial expression and when he was smaller when you held him it felt like you were holding a puppy! He's strong and is very good at monkey bars. He doesn't have the natural gift of soccer skills that Tagg boys HAVE to have, but he just started playing on the GREEN MACHINE TEAM. He's doing pretty good! He could swing himself, ride a two-wheeler bike, and swim at the age of 3. He has a strong little will and he potty-trained himself just because J-dude was doing it and he decided he didn't want to wear diapers anymore. So BAM. Done. No sweat.

Mayfee - He's a little 2. It's his birthday tomorrow though. He has the same trait as Lulu about going with the flow and just having fun with whatever anybody else if having fun with. His blankey is red and white and he's not as much attached to it as the other boys were to theirs. He's visibly tan. OK I've gotta go. Eragon's on. Ill tell you how that is.

~Ariana Evenstar Taylor


  1. HEy Girly!
    You've been blessed with a wonderful family..Fun personalities (SP?)

  2. Maegan, I just want you to know how Blessed we have been by your messages! God has truly given you a gift, sweet girl. We are excited about your moving to Colorado and even more excited about your new baby brother!! Please tell him as he grows up that he has such a special name! The strong name of a warrior! A warrior from the Bible and a warrior from Little Rock! We will be praying for his safe entrance in to this world and for safe travels when you guys move to Colorado! Please keep in touch!
    With much love...

  3. now you have two more sibs to post about!!! :D
