Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Trip To Texas To Tow a Trailer

A trailer with a boat on it. A bass boat to be exact. It was given to my Dad by my Grandma H. So yesterday we embarked on a family trip to go pick it up - Zekey, Bird and all!
PLAN A: Drive to Grandma and Pawpaw's. A 4 hour trip. Pick up the Boat, Eat Lunch and have Fun. Go to Grandpa and Nana's next. Eat Dinner and have Fun. Drive Home. Another 4 hour trip.
We set about to carry out PLAN A. No other plans. It's just Lah-dee-dah fun! Nice drive to Grandma and Pawpaw's with good quiet babies. We pick up the boat and eat lunch and have fun in the golf cart. So far the plan is going nicely huh? Then we drive to Grandpa and Nana's. Nobody is hungry but we have fun with grandparents and met a little goat (Hi Emy!) We say goodbye and start to drive home. Good plan huh? Worked well? Nnno. It is still light out when we need to pull over and change a tire. OK we're good now. We drive some more. When POW! The tire burst into oblivion!!!! What excitement! So Dad and Sticks got out and changed the tire again. Now we are out of spares. The tires still aren't in good shape sooooo...
PLAN B: Pray that these Tires will Last Until we can get to a Wal-Mart or something to change them Trailer Tires. Plug Ears because Bird is Not Happy.
It is late now and we drive quite a good bit out of our way to find a Wal-Mart. Boys are asleep and it is way past Bird's bedtime but she won't sleep. Just cry. Dark, dark, dark outside. Wait...wait, a light! A BIG light! Either a football game or a Wal-Mart... a Wal-Mart it is!!!!!! Dad goes out for tires. We wait a long time. Dad comes back and says they do not have tires. Bird does not have diapers. We're giggling and having fun and being sarcastic about this mess. An adventure for everyone...except Poor Bird.
PLAN C: We leave the boat at the Police Station and go home. Dad will come back to get the boat and take care of it in the morning by himself.
We drive to the Police Station. Dad goes out and negotiates with the Police. We wait in the car. Dad comes back and says we can leave it there but the police aren't responsible for watching it or anything. We have no lock for it. We debate about the next plan. Lane says,"I think we should just leave it here and go home and if that thing gets stolen it won't be much loss to us!" Big laugh. But no. It getting stolen is not an option.
PLAN D: We go back to Grandma's for the night. Dad and Pawpaw will take care of the tires.
That's where I said "Uhhh...Ok" because of our numbers and my Bird. Zekey can sleep in his seat but Bird has never slept out of a crib before. And she has no diapers and NO WAY she can go through the night with out wetting anything! Also we packed NOTHING. From no pajamies to no toothbrushes. So far we have managed to drive around for 4 hours, but never get out of the state! In fact, it only takes us 1 1/2 hours to get back to where we started!:P It is late I go to sleep. When I wake up the tire has burst again and...Pawpaw to the rescue!!! We go back and the boys sleep on the floor in the living room. I lay Bird down there too, and she was tired she didn't even move. Oh, and we just left the diaper she had on on. Dad slept on the couch in the living room and the other big kids slept on the recliners. I got to sleep in the bed with Mom and Babyboy.
Now it is morning. Turns out Dad DID have some trouble with Bird. She started crawling around in the middle of the night (or morning as it was) so she slept with him. We had some yummy breakfast and the boat is fixed up.
PLAN E: We Drive Home with the Boat.
We say goodbye and start to drive home. Dad says, "I don't think this boat is supposed to go to Arkansas." Grandma and Grandpa had also said a lot about the unsafeness of the boat and made us go,"Ooohhhh..." So Mom says,"Let's save 4 little boys' lives" sooo....
PLAN F: We go to Grandpa and Nana's and give them the Boat.
We do. But Grandpa pays us for it. AND he said when he fixes his other boat or something he'll drive it to CO for us! Oh My!!!
PLAN G: Drive Home.
Mission accomplished today. Fun all in all though there were some intense moments! Thank heaven for good Grandparents huh?!:) And we lived happily ever after until the little boys' soccer games got canceled because of rain. Haha!!! God giggled at us today. And yesterday. I am glad He's got a sense of humor!!!!!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

1 comment:

  1. um... wow! Sounds like quite the adventure!! hehee... poor little Bird... thanks for posting this it was quite interesting to read! ;D
