Sunday, November 04, 2007

A long, loud, tremulous, drawn-out, Luke Skywalker, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!"

VERSE OF THE DAY: The LORD doesn't see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart. 1 Samuel 16:7


MANNING THE MAN & his COLTS! vs. Brady the small and insignificant & his patriots

Ok, ok, maybe not small and insignificant Pats. But can you believe they had the stuff to beat the invincible? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Oh, Manning, how could you have let them bat that ball away from you and so win the game??? WHY??? How do you plan to win the Superbowl now? Why did yall let me down like this? Sniff sniff.
Ok, here's the plan of action: The Pats play the Bills and Bills win (you hush! Stop saying "yeah right"!). Then we're even and the Colts can go win the big game! Sounds good. But we MAY still make it to the Big Bowl even if the Bills DON'T win! HeeHEE! That sounds good too! Oh, well. There may be another chance=( And the Pats have been putting some gut into this season. I suppose they are honorable foes. Not like... the BEARS or sumthin.
(Actual Photos from Game)


  1. my condolences, Meggy...
    But, it'll be okay, sounds like your team still has a chance at the superbowl, right?

    I can't exactly empathize, sorry, I watched my first TV football game this fall, with Luke... And I couldn't name five pro football teams.

  2. ummmmmmm....... okay. :P whatever....

    I'm with ya there Lana... except, I haven't watched a football game. :P

    But Meggy darling don't be depressed... okay? :D

  3. Meggy,
    I sympathize. I've watched more pro football than I wanted to...I was forced, you know. :P I don't like it, but I understand most of it.
    I have to say that I wanted the Colts to win too....they're cooler, in my very personal opinion...
    anyways, gotta go...
    Oooh! NEED to talk to you!!!!

  4. This may get me into some trouble, here, but *why* does the outcome of a football game matter to people. I mean, I know it effects the psyches of many people for more than it does our Meggy. But WHY?
    I don't get it.

  5. Oh Lana I am sooo with ya there! That's MY question!! It's just a GAME!!! :P

  6. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Sunshine Princess and Emy,
    your general lack of understanding of the why's and wherefore's of football is completely understandable! Kind of like when I don't understand why shoes have to match a purse. Or...always a question of mine...WHAT IS THE DEAL WITH MAKE-UP?? I mean, isn't that like trying to hide or coverup something? So, as Meggy's dad, I forgive your general lack of empathy for our plight. ;-)

  7. hahaha, thanks Meggy's dad! ;D

  8. haha, okay, the general point is taken, despite the fact that, in my world, make-up is a production necessity, more heavily worn by men than by girls...
    Sorry for the Colt's mis-haps, may their future and yours be brighter than the present! (even if I will never understand it...)

  9. Anonymous8:44 AM

    ohhhhh my goodness I just got finished looking at all your pics.... sooooo cute! Bird is *ADORABLE* as always, she was all smiles that day wasn't she? :D And little Froggy is getting soo big!!! how cute! Aw ya'll are all so cute....
    g2call u 2day...

  10. Anonymous3:57 PM

    I am totally there with ya dad!

  11. oh I forgot to tell you what I did today! Go read me bloggy! ;D

  12. Meg, Put the Job post on my blog for me. I can't figure it out!


  13. Anonymous9:47 AM

    heya Meg... thanks ya for the comment.... ;D loveya too...
    play practice last night... we didn't get to do our scene so no weird stuff... :P... got to tell ya something someday... fulfilled an assignment... and gotta tell ya bout somethin else too... but that's when i get time... :P i'm sure you're busy too... gotta go, we're leaving now and not coming back till sometime 2nite... may go to a Patriots game 2nite...

  14. Ooooo We so went to the Patriot's game and it was so much fun and I would be addicted except for I cant' get there and truly have no reason to be there for I have no siblings playing but Sweet-T did this really cool thing where he was almost on the ground and the ball was still in play and I don't know how to describe it but it was cool and talk about a run-on sentence. By the way. You talk like your daddy as evidenced by his comment here. I love you. And I do not understand football either. The point of winning... the thrill of victory. (though that is the sorriest reason I have ever heard) It isn't like people personally know those on the team in most cases. Only when you know people does it seem at all important. I have to say though that I get into it when I watch any game other than baseball. I love baseball, I can understand it, but I don't get really into it. You see tis too slow to do that, usually. My what a long comment. Well love you dearie.

  15. Yeah I went too 'twas fun... but I, too, have no real reason to be there. :P It's the only time tho that I can watch sports, b/c I know most of the players. ;D Junior and Senior teams won btw, girls lost... :(
    might call u 2day
