Thursday, June 14, 2007

I am Back!!!!!!!

I do like Lakewood. It is real nice with mountains and trees and stuff. The traffic's not bad and it kinda feels like here. Except enhanced I guess if ya know what I mean. We drove by the BRONCOS stadium pretty much every day, and that was pretty cool! Sticks got to see the RAPIDS stadium while he was there. The drive there was not bad. Bird didn't like it, but she lived! She just waddled up and said, "Hi Maheey!" I think she's happy to be back. Anyways, we got to stay at the student housing apartment thing for CCU for FREE! It was really cool, it had 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a full kitchen, 3 floors, and a washer and dryer. Sticks's team, SWOOSH, ROCKS THE BOAT!!!!!! They won their tourney and Sticks got like...3 assists or so. He's made new friends that he really likes, the coach is great, and the team is WAY better than Express. Watching the first game just made me miss Express because Sticks wasn't the only good player, I didn't know any of these new guys, and they knew what they were doing. It's kinda fun to watch it click with players and see how they apply the practice drills to the game and such, but SWOOSH could play SOCCER. REAL soccer. It was good to see some of that though, and I warmed up around the second game, and it was great fun! Here's the link to the pics...
It starts with Sticks's kiss to the crowd when he gets his medal, but if you want to see the other game pics go back to the other pages.

The cheer:
Riley: "What sound does a toilet make?"
Team: "SWOOSH!"

Bird almost DID NOT survive the drive back though! She screamed and screamed. Poor lil thang! Poor US! But she quit when she found out that crying really didn't have a point and it wasn't fixing anything. It about rained all the way to AR! Good to be back though, except Dad didn't get to come:(


  1. Anonymous11:02 AM

    glad ur back!! sounds like u had a pretty good trip

  2. Woohoo, you're back!!
    Poor Bird :( it's a long drive for a little girl, and the type of thing that isn't as much fun coming back as going, I can imagine...
    Who's Riley?

    Got your email, btw, will respond soon. Thanks also for the thing for CtB, we'll be glad to include it.
    BTW, to anyone interested, we'll be formatting another issue of Call to Battle the last week of June, and we are always accepting contributions. With filming Hunted, we need them now as much as ever. (We'd love to have some poems, Emy, if there are any of yours you'd let us print)
    For anywriter out there: we also like to get short stories, articles about bible verses, bible characters, historical and current Christian 'heroes', whatever. (and I have to say this next thing) "we can't promise to print everything we recieve, but we'll print what we can" (it sounds... political).
    There, sorry for, like, hijackig the comment section, Meggy! :^P

  3. Anonymous6:25 PM

    ok, ok, Lana... I'll think about it and look through them... cuz my Mom says God has given them to me and not to keep them to myself! :P so if I decide to submit one, I'll send it thru Sarah, is that ok?
    ~emy <3

  4. Emy, you can just send it to the email address for Call to Battle:
    Both Luke and I have access to that one. That'd be great! I think I agree with your mom :)

  5. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Oh cool. Well, it's good you like Colorado.
    Poor Bird. But, poor your family!!! :P You all must've had quite a lot of fun!!!! :P
    Ah, well, I'll talk to you later.

  6. Anonymous4:35 PM

    I sent it thru Sarah.. she said she sent it to you... but I will save that addy, thanks...
    and thanks for the comment on my blog, great advice!! :D and, yes, I will pray for Hunted and all you Hunted people... well, not that you're hunted, but anyway... :P
    since this is YOUR blog, I guess I should say something to you, too! LOL!! Hope you don't mind me commenting to Lana on here... Lana, you need to get a blog!!! oops, there I go talking to Lana again!! LOL!!!
    alright ttyl ppls!!
