Thursday, August 30, 2007

Chickens like the Dickens!!! (mice too)

VERSE OF THE DAY: Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. Matthew 6:33


Last night Sticks caught his 25th mouse from our garage. *yeah* I don't go in there anymore. He got a hundred dollar bill for it and is quite happy with killing them now that he isn't DIRECTLY killing them. When we were going to the feast at church on Wednesday, he told us to wait in the house so he could take care us the dead mice. We were only too happy to comply while he reset the traps. Ok, then we get the all-clear. We go out to the car and he's still in the garage. SNAP! "Got another one!!!" Much rejoicing by boys (and girls for that matter!). He begins to again reset the trap. "Mom, I think I need to stay home!!!" LOL He did and caught a few more mice. How'd they all get in there? We've got boxes in that garage and the guys are getting them out!!!!!!

Now Lane, Mayfee, Jessjess, and Princess Bird have chicken pox and are called "the chickens"! We're gonna have a chicken party today. I gotta think what we're gonna do, but it's gonna be funfunfun! I'll tell ya how it goes. Lane's mostly in charge of watching the chickens because she's mostly better and Zeke is excluded from their company. The chickys are pretty happy for sick kids! I made some brownies yesterday for the party...but of course they didn't last:P Little tip: Brownies make chicken pox feel all better!!! Worked good last night!!!
We've been packing away!!! Better do that now!!!


  1. Anonymous1:20 PM

    yipes!!! tell the chickens i hope they get better soon! :D

  2. Anonymous3:42 PM

    I am not happy bout pox. They keep us from your doorstep not for fear of contracting them but rather cuase it makes those stricken not feel well. Ugg! And then ya gotta move. I think I got Sarah's e-mail off of something that Emy sent me. Soooo I am going to have to learn to keep up with people by myself though you'll still be an informer b/c the internet is where you are going too. Tis no good. No good!

  3. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Lady, I don't want to talk about it!! Of course it's no good!!! Tis horrible!!!
    :( so sad...

  4. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Hi Megan,
    Brittney sent me a link to your page.
    I heard through the grapevine that you've got eight siblings now(that may be old news, but it was news to me)! You guys finally caught up. I remember when our family got chicken pox. Three of us got sick with it. So mom and dad figured that they might as well get it over with. So they bought tootsie roll pops. Those who weren't sick got to pick out their flavor, then those of us that were sick got to lick'em real good and give it back so we all got the chicken pox over with at one time.

    John O.

  5. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Hey, what's up???
    :( So sorry your sibs are so sick! All of us but Samuel had it when Caleb and I were little...and we had it BAD...
    I sent you an email a couple of days ago, but I don't think it went through. I'll resend it.

  6. whoa, how many mice is that now?

    Hope the chicks get better soon!
