Sunday, August 26, 2007

The Fire Fell!!!!!!!!!

VERSE OF THE DAY: (This was actually the Verse of the Day on the Fan the Flame day! What a coincidence!) So we tell others about Christ, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all the wisdom God has given us. We want to present them to God, perfect in their relationship to Christ. Colossians 1:28
Fan the Flame was amazing!!!!!!!!!!! The pastors was wonderful, the band was awesome, and everybody involved did an outstanding job. God really moved in a lot of people including me I believe. Wait till Warrior of the Dawn posts about it and find out how many people got saved. Their great youth pastor Dusty made a great point about when Jesus washed the disciples feet. He said if you have come to Christ, you have already been cleaned. But as we go through life our feet get dirty when we fall away a little or get distracted. So...we need our feet washed!!! I guess I knew that, but last night that certain way he put it really hit home. One of the other pastors, Chris, did a great message on the cross. It's not a pretty picture like on all the necklaces. It's a price that was paid. The Luke, Daniel, and Trevor band was flawless and music says so much to me! I didn't know a lot of the songs, but there wasn't one bad one!!! My class pastor, Teddy did an excellent job on a lesson in sharing your faith with the world. The skit people were great! I saw a lot of friends and don't forget food!:P But at the very end everybody went outside when it was very dark, and Dusty told the story of Elijah when God sent fire to the altar to prove that He was God above Baal. And fire did come down on the altar, but Dusty didn't call it from God:) It was very well done and the whole thing just HIT HOME. I'm so happy I got to go! One of the can't think of the rest of it except for the last little lines that I've been singing ever since I left: " I will follow you. This world has nothing for me. I will follow you." It was all astounding, everything Nan made it out to be, and the Lord loved it very much I know. I love you Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fan the Flame was a great reminder of how outstandingly much you love me!


  1. Yeah, FtF was AMAZING!!!
    My friend, Hope, decided to follow Christ yesterday, during the first set of songs in the second service. It was great. I was happy, then I was happier Thursday, then that happened and I'm even happier!! My cup overflows!!

  2. Anonymous2:18 PM

    It was AWESOME!!! luved it totally!!!
    Lana, that's great about Hope!!!!
    Uh, Meggy, honey, it's Singled Out (and you left out Jordan and Billy) :D.. hehe... ah well, we'll forgive you. :P :P
    btw, the song is arghh... something about "Rescue", I think... I need You, Jesus, to come to my rescue, where else could I go? There's no other Name by which I am saved. Come and capture me with grace, I will follow You.... yeah something like that...
    kk, ttyl,

  3. Anonymous8:18 AM

    AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love FtF, but not everyone else does... :P
    Yeah, I guess I need to post about it too....I'll work on that.
    Meggy, and Emy,
    Actually, that is in 'Rescue' and 'D Medley...

  4. Anonymous12:28 PM

    okay i thought it was called Rescue but wasn't sure... who doesn't love ftf??
    p.s. i thought u were offline still sarah?? :P hehe

  5. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Umm we your right about FtF stuff and we are gonna have a picka de nicka with the Wing Men and ya'll soon. That word! I thought you were trying to trick me. That is why I couldn't pick up on it. I kept coming to the true conclusion and rejecting it b/c it was too easy. I thought.. O nevermind. Argggggg blondness. Lol

