Thursday, August 09, 2007

Cooking Away and Things Blowing Up

VERSE OF THE DAY: Live in harmony with each other. Don't be too proud to enjoy the company of ordinary people. And don't think you know it all! Romans 12:16


Lucy and I kicked some butt in the kitchen this morning. We made spaghetti sauce, grated and froze a bunch of zucchini and made some muffins with it, ground wheat, froze grapes, and did 2 rounds of dishes. Whoa, it was hot in there!!!!! It's hard to do that in the summer. We listened to the radio the whole time.
I'm gonna write a few letters in a few minutes. Do yall write them, or type them? I type much faster than I write and my handwriting is no good, I shall type! I have this cool wax seal thing Lady Boo and Cole gave me I shall use. It involves FIRE to melt it, which gives the whole thing a little.....umph.
Speaking of fire....I was innocently being a good girl and vacuuming the family room. Ka-POW! Vacuum noise stops and sparks fly. A couple seconds later a flash of light from the outlet area. "O-kay?" says I. I look over at the outlet place. The cord's plugged in, no problem there. I step back and painfully experience where the problem IS. The cord busted off of the vacuum cleaner and I am standing on the burning hot end! YOW!!!!!!!! Out of the 8 feet of cord I had to step on the 2 inches of burny part. So that is how a person can burn their foot. What is going to blow up next? I'll tell ya, the outlet where the microwave is plugged in. O-kay? We plugged it into a different one. Dear me. At least we have a spare for everything that blows up!
Lucy, Mom, and I started that movie up there last night. It's alright so far. Sean Bean, stellar actor, is in it as Esau. He's ok here, but somebody else could've pulled it off too I think. So far. I haven't finished it.
Last night Lucy made dinner. Hot dogs in sauerkraut. Cool. She made it a big feast and I made some brownies. Everything was yummy!


  1. Meggy, I blew up the vaccuum cord a month or so ago. What's really bad is this: we use to vaccuum noise to soothe LilyPie.
    Mommy wasn't too happy with me :) TJ fixed it a week or so later, but until it was fixed, any time Lily cried, I could feel people glaring...
    but at least I didn't burn my foot, ouch, are ya all right?

  2. Anonymous4:20 PM

    hehe... scary!!! :P

  3. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Really weird...I read that verse in my Bible the other
    Anyways, glad you got the tar off your foot.. :P
    I had a TON of fun Tuesday (wait, it WAS Tuesday, wasn't it? :P).
    Oh, and Emy DID fufill her assignment on Wednesday... :)

  4. Anonymous1:10 PM

    wellll.... kina... i told her about it via email though... :P sry meggy!
