Tuesday, September 18, 2007

What's new

Froggy is now a chicken!!! He has chicken pox. Less than 10 though, he's still the usually smiley slobbery one! (SO Kee-yute!)
Lane is gone to Grandma H's to crochet and all the boys are gone fishing. There are two ponds here that are packed with catfish!
Shelob the Spider is outside this very window. I shall have to point out to the little guys that she hasn't had a grasshopper lately. But nobody should get too close, because grasshoppers don't taste very nice, precious. She hungers for sweeter meats. Anyhow...
Sticks the mouse catcher, with a grand total of.... more than 41 kills got another on a stickytrap last night. Grandpa came and took it, but he let the boys PET IT first!!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEWWWWWW!!!!!!! Can I get an amen?
Emy - Working up an add-on to the plan of action.
Nan - I want to call you later today to... well.
Lady - Stinks that you cain't e-mail me:( Good luck in confuzin chemistry:P
Cole - You need to post!
Britter - What's up?
Lady Lana - I shall resend my CtB thing to your mom. But I shall need your e-mail addy because I don't remember it.

Today I read about Hezekiah preparing for battle. They stopped up all the streams and rebuilt parts of the walls. Also built some things which I interpreted as bombard towers:P I just didn't remember that part last time and I like that kind of thing!
Must go! My water's probably boiling.


  1. Anonymous3:01 PM

    If sticks bombs at soccer he can always go into extermination!

  2. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Thanks for calling...it was good to hear from you...
    Anyways, loved the thing about the grasshoppers...so...WONDERFUL!!! :P
    Anyways, yeah...
    Alright, well, I'm going to try to email you now...

  3. Hey meggy,
    umm, try my lionslink (uafortsmith) addy, d'you got that one?
    if not, then mom's addy is the first three letters of her first name, followed by the first three of our last name, then @mail.com
    Sorry, it's like a code... I'm hesitant to publish my momma's email address online ;^P
    and of course, there's Calltobattle@mail.com but you've tried that, I imagine :^)

    poor froggy...

    much luv!
    ~Lady Lana

  4. Anonymous6:12 AM

    The first anonymous is my mommy 'cept I totally am the one that said that! Had a great time talkin to ya. Obviously you talked to me then blogged. Funny!

    Lady with love

  5. Anonymous6:33 PM

    yo Meg!!! you need to call me now I have to tell you something else but it's not near as important as the other... :P and you gotta tell me more about my new plan of action... ;P ooh and the 29th is a HSfellowship so I'll be practicing my-- oops! can't say that here... LOL
    kk call me sometime i loooovee you and MISS you so much!!!!!!!1

  6. Anonymous8:28 PM

    Sorry, have a question.....
    WHY WATER?? WHY ARE YOU BOILING IT??? Are you like gonna pour it on somebody, or maybe make a potion to kill somebody with???
