Friday, September 28, 2007

More Lucy's Birthday & Pinwheel

Last night the party came over and Uncle Kenny came too! The back room was all decorated and Nana made brownies and lasagna. Yum! Lucy got... many, many things!:P Some craft things, some clothes, a purse, and lots of money is all I remember. She's excited about all her presents! She was planning to top off the day by watching THE CURSE OF THE BLACK PEARL, but the electricity went out! "That's OK!" I says. "If it's not on later we can watch it on the portable DVD players." Well, that was the plan. But the movie was IN the unoperational DVD player, SO.... we watched RETURN OF THE JEDI and everybody was asleep before they got to Endor! Right after that the electricity came back on and we got everybody to their own beds. Lucy had a good day!
We have made a new friend - Pinwheel the Dog! A big black I don't know what kind, but he's a lot like Joey in the "I'm just gonna lay down and mind my own business and if Mayf wants to beat me up that's fine with me" attitude. He's called "Pinwheel" because when he wags his tail it goes round and round!
Here's a funny. I had the Iron Empress out and was fighting Sticks and all that jazz. When I was done I went up to the porch where the people were talking, and just carried the sword with me. Gram said, "Did you get a new sword?"
I said, "Well, relatively."
She said, "Oh, that's your sword? I thought it was one of the boys'! I was just teasing you!"
I laughed. "Sorry! I'm a sword junkie too!"
Question! What do you call a girl warrior?


  1. Anonymous12:52 PM

    sounds like you had fun...
    a girl warrior?? you don't really want my opinion on that, do you? well I'm gonna give it to ya anyway... honestly, what IS a girl warrior? there shouldn't be any!! no need...
    but I love you anyway and hope you still love me after I said that... lol... oh I know I just talked to you... what was that, Tuesday? but I wanna talk to you.. I miss you MUCHO esp. since you can't email. :'( and you still gotta give me a message to deliver!! if you want me to... or do you want me to just carry out the making of eye contact with someone?? :P and give the one message to L.L.? oh and btw you never did expand on my plan of action... ;D
    mucho amo,

  2. Anonymous2:51 PM

    oopppsss.... sorry!! edit that maybe? i thought of that but didn't know how to reword it and still make sense 2 u... phone minutes running out??? :( waahh!!
    And I did post...
    plan can't get any better right now?? great... cause I haven't told you that I've already accidentally vialated both rules!!! *don't kill me!* I try not to but tis hard... :P And yes I DO want to hear what you have to say... tell me... well not here but somehow... :P
    well if we can't talk on phone and you can't email much, then write me a letter!!!!! :D I actually have a letter for you... when you get an addy....
    LOVE YOU!!!!!

  3. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Meggy, ummm...Well, what did they call Eowyn??? Think on that...
    Anyways, yeah...
    I need to post..But, thanks for doing it!
    Oh yeah, and Emy??? Honey!!! Pleeaasseee just write her a letter or something...people start wondering when you start writing your plan out in comments... :P
    Anways, love you girly!

  4. Anonymous9:16 PM

    I didn't write the plan but if it's too obvious delete it Meggy... and if I wrote Meg a letter I couldn't send it... :'( don't send me into tears again!!
    and Meggy I saw your comment on Jazzy's bloggy and that's the point!!! She *can't* post, her compy broke down...

  5. Anonymous1:09 PM

    kk meggy can you delete my comments?? it might sound weird... it might sound like something it's not... :P thnx...

  6. Oh dear, Emy, relax, I'm not sure what the uproar (and I deliberately exxagerate) is about, but you don't look suspiciosu at all to me, though mentioning the plan of action confuses me, but I'm used to that on ya'll's posts replying to posts in reference to email type things, LOL!!! :^P
    Luv you girls!!
    And to Meggy, whose blog it actually is ;)
    Sounds like good birthday fun!
