Friday, April 25, 2008

New template

Just fiddling around with new stuff. Tell me if you like!!!!!!


  1. Meggy, me likey! But it was weird at first! I went to your blog and was like, WHOA! Wrong number!

  2. Anonymous12:35 PM


  3. Anonymous12:40 PM

    I LOVE it!
    Actually, where's this from? I think I looked at using it once, when I was still on blogger, but didn't because I really didn't feel like changing it, or something... :P
    Anyways, it rocks!!!!!

  4. Anonymous12:47 PM

    It's from Pyzam baby!!!!!!:) But it stinks that it knocked all my widgets off:(

  5. No widgets? Not cool!

  6. Anonymous6:55 PM

    I know! I'se gotta get em back!

  7. Hannah you can use Pyzam templates on HSB.
    And Meggy I'm too tired to explain everything so I'll call you tomorrow. I need to talk to you anyway...

  8. Anonymous7:22 PM

    i LOVE it!!!! please don't change it or i'll be mad!!!! jk jk lol hahaha

  9. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Some friends (Skittles and her sis) on HSB tried to do pyzam templates, but they didn't work. I think they had the wrong ones.
    Which ones you talking about, Emy?
    :P I just wondering...
    :P Experience the joy of those on HSB who change their template and forget to get the codes of stuff off their templates. :P
    But, question, Meggy, did you retain your elements page?

  10. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Well the page is there, just it took off all the widgets I previously had. That's bummy and underjoying!

  11. Anonymous8:15 PM

    I'm not completely sure Hannah I just know you can. I know there's a way but I've never tried. Does Skittles need help? I save every template when I have it finished.

  12. kinda wierd. Like a speed racer kinda thing
