Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Reach for the Stars! ~ Lesson 6

This is my really cool, very awesome, fabulous ship - the Dragon Verde where I am captain. She is the fear of the Indian Ocean, the true sea serpent the legends tell of. Fully crewed and fully armed! Taste the triple guns, Mate! A pirate's life for me!
5 Dead Words: Cool, Small, Awesome, Short, Yucky

The Tour of my Room: Walking down the hall and turning the corner is no adventure. But peeking into my room will raise your eyebrows in incredulity, mirth, or disgust. A gleaming sword, Glamdring the Foehammer, stands mounted on the white wall directly in front of you. A half-sized Templar shield, gold-rimmed with a red cross graces the adjacent wall, keeping company with the piece of Middle Earth memorabilia beside it. After giggling at the hanging weapons, you walk into the room and notice that the leg room is sparse, thanks to the bulky queen sized bed. You sit down on it, running your fingers over the purple and white floral quilt made by grandma for my 16th birthday. The numerous stuffed puppies and baby dolls dressed in pretty pink scattered across the bed give you the hint that this room does not belong to me alone. You hear a noise and turn toward the door, your eye catching a calendar with varied pictures of ships from STAR WARS to adorn the month of April. The entrance of a dark-haired, two-year-old little sister confirm your suspicions that I am not alone at nights. She snatches up her box of miniature toy kitties from the corner and waddles out. You smile at her and glance out the large window by the sword that overlooks our quiet cul-de-sac, peeking to the right to enjoy the sight of snow dusted mountains. A cluttered desk stands in the corner next to the window, covered in papers and school supplies with a computer monitor as the centerpiece. There at eye level is yet another calendar, this one displaying Davy Jones's tentacled appearance from PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN. You wisely decide not to ask why I have two calendars in my room. Above it is a homemade picture board, proudly holding numerous cards, letters, pictures, and my favorite comics for your enjoyment. As you continue to turn your head in a circle, you view my hanging clothes and bucket of shoes; as my closet doors are missing. The last wall may be the most interesting of them all. A drab wooden dresser and a bookshelf taller than you stand at attention, side by side, with three swords of my creation between them waiting for use. The shelves hold every kind of book from Elsie Dinsmore to Eragon. A fuzzy pink mushroom chair sits at the foot for lounging. You giggle yet again at the sight of a poster of Eli Manning dropping back to throw yet another amazing pass. A sliver cross hangs shining over a shiny radio and a box of cds. Now you are back to the door, watching my little bedmate dump all her hats out of their basket and laying her dolly in it for a nap.


  1. I win once more!! HAHAHAHA! HA!
    Very cute post Meggy! Me likey!

  2. Great fun--that's what I say. I want to SEE this room in person. Well, actually, I don't have to because you have described it in such a way that I can already "see" it. Exceptional word choices, me matey, and no, I won't ask why you have 2 calendars. You sound like a fun, kindred spirit. Star Wars, LOTR, and Star Trek are my favorites. I have a Star Trek (original series) calendar in my kitchen and my more subdued, Purpose-Driven-Life calendar with Bible verses hangs in my office.

    Never change! Always look at your writing and your life as one big adventure that never ends--not even when this tiny piece of life has evaporated and you head for the Greatest Adventure of all! See you there, if not before....

  3. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Hey yeah you win again, but WHERE ARE YOU? I like, called you lotsa times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:0:D

  4. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Hey cool, I'm on here at the same time as both of you!!!!!!:P

  5. Anonymous8:02 PM

    heylo! Gotta talk to you!!! bout testing and stuff. But you weren't available when I called. stink

  6. When are you calling? LEAVE a MESSAGE next time OR I WILL BUST YOU! Goodness, child! If you don't LEAVE A MESSAGE I wont KNOW YOU CALLED so LEAVE A DANG MESSAGE!

  7. Sorry for all the profanity, btw...

  8. oh, and the threats...:-)

  9. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Well, you know how it is with those recordings that aren't by THE PERSON YOU'RE CALLING!!!!!!!!! It's like, "hello. No one is available to take your call. Please leave a message after the tone." and I'm thinkin, "that doesn't sound like anyone related to Jazz!"

  10. Anonymous2:21 PM

    ok i HAVE to ask! why do you have 2 calendars. r u so busy that you filled the other one up? is it because you liked both and just HAD to have them?????

  11. Anonymous3:05 PM

    You HAVE to ask??? Well... I dunno if I can explain in a few words... but if this helps as a hint, I have 2 copies of each one. Emy, if you know you can tell... I'm not sure I'm entirley reconciled to it:P

  12. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Um, Meggy... I have NO idea.

  13. Anonymous12:35 PM

    I don't care if you are the teeniest bit embarrassed by accidentally calling wrong number! Chances are you WILL NEVER EVEN MEET THAT PERSON!! And I can't change our voicemail! It won't let us! So flippin leave and dang message! Swear!

  14. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Emy, yeah you do... I got you hooked to it too.
    Jazzy: FINE! Ok? Take a deep breath and relax or I'll swear too!:P

  15. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Yeah, I get it now...
    Jazzy, you MUST learn to control your temper and watch your language!!
