Sunday, January 13, 2008

Why? WHY????????

VERSE OF THE DAY: Let your unfailing love surround us, LORD, for our hope is in you alone. Psalm 63:3 (How does the verse always fit pretty good? I guess now my hope is that Dungee stays!!!!!!)
My Indianapolis Colts lost to the chargers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BARELY!!!!!!!!!! Why? WHY?????????? Please do not laugh in comments, this is extremely unfunny. They have to leave!!!!!!! They're done with this season!!!!!!!!! Peyton the Manning threw like 2 picks!!!!!!!!!! Addai and Keith kept switching out as RB b/cuz they were both hurt!!!!!!!!! Bob Sanders (NFL Defensive player of the year) got smashed up and became a benchwarmer!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In the final seconds Peyton knew what he had to do and nothing got done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To the CHARGERS of all things!!!!!!!!! Without even LT!!!!!!!!!!!! Top it all off with the Coach extraordinaire Christian best-selling author perhaps Tony Dungee LEAVING US!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been crying ever since. Let me leave you with some pictures of the team I will not see till next season. Play some sort of sad song in your head. I don't want to think of one right now.
Quarterback Coolness
Victories are a thing of the past:(
Our kicker Adam Vinatari

"Here's what we gotta do..."

"What kinda call was that?" I couldn't agree more.

Reggie Wayne, I feel your pain

Dungee and Manning... *sniff*

I need to babysit soon so I should stop my groveling and weeping and gnashing of teeth and my barrowing that can only come from the bitterly bummed out. I can't help it!! Man, don't yall hope I don't play fantasy football next season? Then what shall become of me? I want to play anyway though.

God please bring my favorite coach back and bless every bit of Horseshoe Hotness next season!


  1. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Calm down dearie... it'll be alright. I can't think of anything else to say that you won't get mad about. What is fantasy football?

  2. comment me!!!! grrrr

  3. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Emy, whaddya mean there's nothing else you can say that I won't get mad about? Did you do something... questionable? Or do you think saying what is fantasy football WON'T make me mad? It doesn't just ticks me off...:P FF is when you buy players on the internet ya know and if they do good in real life you get points. I sort of calmed down now, but that's a long story.
    Cole - I just did.

  4. I mean my regular football comments... ya know, I don't get it, it doesn't matter, etc. :P I can't believe you really cried about it. But, then again, looks who's talking. Who cried for hours the last night of the play? LOL Okay Fantasy Football sounds pretty dumb.. I mean, what's the point of the points? (Ok, bad pun... slap me :P) Anyway... I want the long story. ;D No I didn't do anything questionable. I've been good. And I decided not to tease... I really can't go against your word can I? <3

  5. Anonymous4:50 PM

    I can believe you cried about it...I didn't cry, but I wasn't happy either...
    I do more basketball than football, dearie... :P Esp. Patriots...I'll leave it up to you to imagine why.
    Okay, gotta go...

  6. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Emy, Fantasy football's not dumb! Some people just like to WIN without getting any prizes ya know?
    See, Nan understands kinda!!!! I don't really do any basketball, but I like the Patriots too!:P

  7. But why on earth pay money just so you can say "I won"?? What a fleeting, passing pleasure that has no future point....

  8. Anonymous8:24 PM

    No, no not real money!!!!

  9. Anonymous9:36 PM

    OHH!!! You said *buy* players... so that's what I figured. Ok, so not as dumb. Just harmless fun. I see. ;D

  10. You are going to make some man very happy some day.

    Mrs. Shawna

  11. Mwahaha. The Chargers *always* beat the Colts. ;) And did you mention that the Chargers' star players were all hurt?

    (hehe...had to give you a hard time)

  12. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Oh such a sad day *sniff* I just watched the replays of our poor Manning getting his team whipped up by that stinkin' other teem. but cheer up, Meggy dear, we still have this afternoons game!!! GO G-BAY!!! they'd better win...hey, go see my post on them!!! ^_^

