Thursday, January 03, 2008

Something Lane wrote today...

VERSE OF THE DAY: The one thing I ask of the LORD— the thing I seek most — is to live in the house of the LORD all the days of my life... Psalm 27:4

"Hello there. It's me. A mouse.
I may be small, but I'm the scariest animal in the world. Now, all you have to do is sneak in the kitchen and suddenly dart across the floor. But! Do NOT do that when a man or boy is in there. Trust me. IT HURTS!
But there is no greater joy than to scare the life out of a girl or a mom!

Yup. That's Lane for ya. Not to mention the wonderful illustrations of a screaming female with eyes disconnecting from her head then said female falling onto the ground and decomposing.
Great. Wow. Amazing.
Please can I get a lot of comments folks? Those are particularly desirable right about now. Dunno why, but.... Bye!!!!!


  1. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Here's a comment! I am the first! :-)

    Lane, what a crack up. She's so funny.

  2. that's... interesting.
    likey the template. PINK!
    random thing: i just almost died choking on my own breath. that's how clumsy i am. :P

  3. Hey I am killing my Xanga. I am moving to blog world. Ha ha Not that I used it anyways.

  4. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Laney is funny! I like the new background. Much easier for old eyes to read! Plus for some reason I just need a good dose of pink sometimes. :) Mrs. W

  5. Anonymous8:37 AM

    It is possible for a mouse to survive coming out in front of a male especially if it jumps out of a drawer on him. Long story.


  6. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Mrs. W, I can see what you mean about the pink thing:P!
    All too true Drallen! But even that one eventually was vanquished.

  7. Anonymous10:45 AM

    thanks megg

  8. Anonymous11:58 AM

    I've never met Lane, but I think I like her. I don't think we as humans take into consideration that even the smallest animals are substantial in this crazy, mixed-up world of ours. A very smart girl indeed.

  9. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Hey, uh, Jazzy????
    Don't scare them TOO bad, kk? :P Jk, but your comment was too funny to pass up. :) Gotta love ya, girl.
    Meggy I like the pink...I think. Still gotta decide!

  10. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Like pink ya think? I'm thinkin too! But it'll work for now!

  11. Anonymous9:27 PM

    That is funny, what Lane wrote, it is funny, who knows what the animals think of us! :)
    Like it Lane!
